Projects & Content Posted to Other Sites
This is a collection of my projects, written content, and other information, currently hosted on other sites.
Object oriented programming patterns guide
In the winter of 2021, I was taking the TDA552 course at Chalmers (Object Oriented Programming). Whilst revising for the oral exam, a friend and I became increasingly frustrated for two reasons.
- A fair bit of online information about OOP design patterns was inaccurate, or difficult to understand.
- Classic literature (books, lectures, etc) was often very long, and contained much unneccessary information.
As such, we made our own document, summarizing all the relevent design patterns for the course. It can be found here.
Pinewood X58 - A computer chassis made entirely from wood
This was a project I did in the final year of middle school. It documents the entire proccess from start to finish of making a computer chassis entirely out of wood, with only simple tools. Find it here at Sweclockers.
Spreadsheet of all the cars I’ve every driven
This is a spreadsheet outlining every car I have ever driven, in addition to a general score out of 10, and a few comments on my impressions. Find it on here.
Ifixit PS3 Controller Teardown
This is a small teardown I wrote on Ifixit, in 2016. It documents the teardown of a broken Playstation 3 Controller. Find it here.