
My Homelab Adventures

For quite a while, I have considered purchasing a server. Like most persons looking into acquiring greatly depreciated enterprise hardware, I’ve conceived many a justification for such a purchase, though ultimately have had to concede that it’s purely for the purpose of tinkering.

Tackling the Nixu Hacking CTF Challenge

I recently stumbled across the Nixu Corporation’s CTF page, and decided to try my hand at the ‘Hackin’ challenge. Please note that whilst, yes, I am publishing this on a public blog, this page will not be indexed, and the job posting which the CTF was linked from is now gone, so the chance of me ruining the CTF is near non-existent.

The Tragic Security Implemented in Building Management Systems

This post dicusses building management systems (BMS), the (horrible) state of their security, and the security impact that these systems can have.

The Shodan Lantronix Dork

Recently I’ve found myself sitting on, trying out different things and generally exploring the tool. By chance, I ended up finding a Lantronix device, which is where things got interesting!

Reflecting on (my Time at) Tillitis

This summer, I had the opportunity to join Tillitis as a summer intern, handling their order logistics, in addition to working on device and client apps. In this post, I’ll introduce the TKey, and reflect on my time at Tillitis.

The Rise & Fall of Erlang at Ericsson AB

This is the story of Erlang, a programming language that was maybe too good for its own sake.

How Not To Implement Security: An IoT Doorbell Camera Pentest

This is an ‘informalized’ summary of my bachelor thesis, written with 5 other persons in the spring of 2023.

Projects & Content Posted to Other Sites

This is a collection of my projects, written content, and other information, currently hosted on other sites.